01.05.2024 A Brent Goose at La Sente, note the ring and GPS tracking device on its back. RdC
A cloudy day with outbreaks of rain, mainly this morning.
Some information about the Brent Goose seen yesterday and today at La Sente, although the ring number is not readable, it is believed that this individual has wintered at Carantec, near Roscoff in Brittany. The GPS tracking device is part of a French project for the tracking of seabirds to identify migratory routes and resting areas, in order to advise potential and current offshore wind farms in the English Channel and off the west coast of France.
Other birds seen at La Sente today were a pair of Shelduck, 2 Greenshanks, a Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 6 Yellow Wagtails including one blue-headed, 6 White Wagtails and 3 Wheatears.
At St Ouen's Pond and Scrape the Shelduck pair are still present, 4 Shovelers including a female, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, a Redshank, 8 Lapwings plus 5 small young, a Common Sandpiper, one Snipe, singing Reed Warblers, 3 Sedge Warblers, 80 Swallows, 20 Sand Martins, 10 House Martins, 16 Yellow Wagtails, 7 Swifts and a pair of Stonechats with a recently fledged juvenile. North of the Pond were 12 Greenland Wheatears, 2 Sedge and 6 Reed Warblers.
On Les Blanches Banques 2 Whimbrels, in Grouville Bay 5 Brent and a single Greenland Wheatear.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin