14.04.2024 A Turnstone nearly in full Summer plumage, at Corbiere this morning MD
A fair to cloudy morning, with some rain this afternoon in light northwest winds.
The pick of today's migrants, seen and or heard, include a Cuckoo in Greve de Lecq Woods, the first 2 Sedge Warblers of the year, at St Ouen's Pond, 2 Male Ring Ouzels and a Serin by the German Tower at Les Landes, also Whitethroats at La Sente, in Les Ormes Valley and at Les Landes. This evening, a Black Kite was seen drifting low over La Hougue Bie towards Le Catillon, looking for a roost site, so may well be around tomorrow.
Other birds at La Sente included a Green Sandpiper, 3 Little Ringed Plovers including two new arrivals this evening, , a Greenshank, 6 Yellow Wagtails and 26 White Wagtails, 20 Sand Martins and 20 Swallows, 49 dark-bellied Brent Geese were at Le Hocq and at Beaumont Marsh were 83 pale-bellied Brent Geese and 5 dark-bellied Brent Geese.
A few birds seen at or passing Corbiere early on included a Shelduck, 3 Common Scoters, 3 Guillemots, 8 Fulmars, 10 Gannets, a Kittiwake, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Yellow Wagtail, a White Wagtail, 9 Purple Sandpipers, 6 Turnstones and 2 Peregrines. Another 2 Shelduck were at Petit Port.
Around St Ouen's Bay, 5 Shovelers, 3 Tufted Duck, 14 Teal, a male Pochard, 30 Sand Martins, 100 Swallows, 3 Reed Warblers, 3 Wheatears, 2 White Wagtails and a Pied Wagtail were on St Ouen's Pond, another pair of Shelduck, and a Reed Warbler were at the Scrape and a Little Grebe plus a Reed Warbler were at Kempt Tower pools. In the Sandpits were a Shelduck, 20 Tufted Duck, a male Pochard, 7 Oystercatchers, a Little Grebe, a male Stonechat, a White Wagtail, 15 Sand Martins visiting nest holes and 5 Swallows. In Les Ormes Valley were a 6 Tufted Duck, 4 Coot, a Yellow Wagtail, 10 Blackcaps, 30+ Chiffchaffs, a Raven and a Marsh Harrier.
Others seen at Les Landes included 12 Wheatears, a Yellow Wagtail and 8 Swallows while at Ouaisne were a pair of Little Grebes, 2 Bullfinches, 6 Blackcaps and a Dartford Warbler.
A Purple Sandpiper feeding at Corbiere today MD
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin