21.01.2025 A Little Egret on the Pont Marquet pools today MD
It was a foggy start to the day, improving after ten o'clock, but still cold at 4c in a southeast wind.
As the fog started to lift, birds seen on St Ouen's Pond included 215 Brent Geese, 14 Wigeon, 23 Teal, 2 Pochard, 2 Tufted Duck, 15 Shoveler, a Little Grebe, 95 Lapwings, 9 Snipe, a Grey Heron, a Sparrowhawk, 21 Mediterranean Gulls and a Reed Bunting. Roosting on Sand's Slip were 44 Ringed Plovers, 45 Sanderlings and 31 Dunlin. 34 Curlews were roosting at Petit Port with 2 Brent Geese also there.
Today's birds at La Sente included 187 Brent Geese, 2 Teal, 53 Redshanks, 4 Greenshanks, 9 Lapwings, 6 Grey Herons and 9 Little Egrets. On Route de Maufant were 45 Redwings, a Fieldfare and a Grey Wagtail.
At West Park were 46 Dunlin, 4 Curlews, 58 Ringed Plovers, 17 Turnstones, 58 Oystercatchers, 16 Brent Geese, 19 Black-headed Gulls, a Grey Heron and 3 Little Egrets while in the Marina were 2 vocal Kingfishers flying together. Another Kingfisher was seen at Havre des Pas and 160 Sanderlings were at First Tower.
In a field on Hydrangea Avenue, St Ouen, was a (the) male Hen Harrier, and back to yesterday when 2 different ring-tailed Hen Harriers were active at Crabbe, 2 Peregrines also being seen nearby, as was a Dartford Warbler. A shearwater sp was seen passing Plemont along with 8 Gannets and a Fulmar.
At Cowley Farm were a Cattle Egret and 50 Starlings, and At Pont Marquet in St Brelade were a Little Egret, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Short-toed Treecreeper, 2 Redwings and at least 7 Robins.
Below: One of yesterday's Hen Harriers at Crabbe, image courtesy of Chris Eve.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin