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22.09.2024  This great image of a Gannet with black eyes was taken locally by John Ovenden. The eye colour is an indication that this bird is a survivor of Avian Flu    ( see the article from the RSPB, at the bottom of this report, for more information )  JO

A cloudy day following overnight showers, winds were light from the South

20 Little Egrets flew East over Pontac Co-op this morning with a Spoonbill for company, heading for Le Hocq.

Today's visible migrants at Noirmont included a late Swift, a Sand Martin, 523 Swallows, 8 House Martins, 141 Meadow Pipits, 3 alba Wagtails and a Grey Wagtail. On the ground, or dropping in through the morning, were a Song Thrush, a Wheatear, 3 Stonechats, 6 Whitethroats, 10 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps, 4 Dartford Warblers, a Spotted Flycatcher, 10 Robins, a Marsh Harrier, a Peregrine, 2 Ravens and 2 Choughs. Passing offshore were a Mediterranean Gull, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Sandwich Tern, a Grey Heron and 10 Bottle-nosed Dolphins.

On the Scrape this morning were 13 Teal, 4 Shovelers. 3 Snipe, a Redshank, a Marsh Harrier and a Cetti's Warbler.

At Petit Port were 62 Mediterranean Gulls, 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 65 Great Black-backed Gulls, a Whimbrel and 22 Curlews.

3 Song Thrushes flew over Vallee des Vaux at height this morning where a Firecrest and 5 Chiffchaffs were also seen.

Evening update: In St Ouen's Bay were 17 Ringed Plovers, a Sanderling, 158 Great Black-backed Gulls and 9 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and at Corbiere were 3 Wheatears, 25 Great Black-backed Gulls, 2 Ravens and 2 Choughs.

At the Farmer's Cricket Ground in St Martin were 3 Yellow Wagtails, 5 alba Wagtails, a Grey Wagtail and 2 Swallows.

6 Cattle Egrets were at Grouville Marsh, 15 Redshanks were at St Aubin and 57 Brent Geese were at Bel Royal.

Black eyes in seabirds indicates bird flu survival

Scientists have discovered evidence that Northern Gannets can recover from bird flu and that unusual black iris coloration is linked to a previous HPAIV infection

Ness Amaral-Rogers


Thu 4th May 2023

5 min read

  • The study also assessed the impact of HPAI on adult gannet survival at the largest gannet colony in the world - the Bass Rock, UK
  • The team found that at Bass Rock, adult survival between 2021 and 2022 was 42% lower than the average over the previous 10 years.

A new study has discovered evidence that Northern Gannets can recover from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1, with black irises, an indicator of a previous infection.

Scientists from multiple organisations investigated outbreak timings at colonies across their North Atlantic range. At their largest colony, Bass Rock, UK, a detailed study was conducted to estimate the impact of the virus on colony size, breeding success, adult survival, and whether Gannets were potentially able to recover from an infection.

Black irises – instead of the usual pale blue – were first seen in Gannets breeding on the Bass Rock in June 2022 with colour varying from completely black to mottled. The team took blood samples from 18 apparently healthy adult Gannets with both normal and black irises, which were tested for bird flu antibodies by APHA to determine whether the birds had been previously infected. Eight tested positive, of which seven had black irises.

Dr Jude Lane, RSPB Conservation Scientist and lead author of the study: “This has been a fascinating development and the discovery may prove a useful non-invasive diagnostic tool. The next steps are to understand its efficacy, if it applies to any other species and whether there are any detrimental impacts to the birds’ vision. Ophthalmology exams will also be needed to determine what is causing the black colouration.”

High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV) has negatively impacted wild and domestic bird populations globally for decades. However, the current strain (HPAIV H5N1) has seen shifts in both the timings of outbreaks and species affected - including seabirds. Northern Gannets appeared especially severely impacted, but there was limited understanding of how their populations were affected.

High numbers of dead gannets were seen in Iceland during April last year followed by outbreaks in many Scottish colonies, Canada, Germany and Norway. By the end of June, outbreaks had occurred in five Canadian colonies and in the Channel Islands. Outbreaks in 12 UK and Ireland colonies followed in a clockwise pattern with the last infected colonies recorded in September. Unusually high mortality was recorded at all but one of the 41 monitored colonies (75 % of the 53 North Atlantic colonies), and sampling data was available for 58% of these, all with dead birds testing positive.

To better understand the impacts of HPAI, the team further investigated Bass Rock in the UK. Bass Rock is the world’s largest Gannet colony, home to over 150,000 birds at their peak. The team calculated that adult survival between 2021 and 2022 was 42% lower than the preceding 10-year average. The full extent of how many birds died during that period won’t be confirmed until the birds come back this breeding season.

The study was a collaboration between the RSPB, the University of Glasgow, the University of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt University and the Animal Plant Health Agency in partnership with the Scottish Seabird Centre.

Susan Davies, CEO of the Scottish Seabird Centre said: “Like many northern gannet colonies across the North Atlantic the Bass Rock was severely impacted in 2022 by highly pathogenic avian influenza. Due to the long running research effort on the Bass Rock, it was possible to gain important insights into the changes taking place in the colony with a strong link emerging between virus infection and the changing iris colour in these striking seabirds and the high level of nest failure within the study area.”

Seabirds are amongst the most threatened group of birds, out of the 25 species breeding here in the UK, 24 are Red or Amber on the UK list of Birds of Conservation Concern. The 2022 bird flu outbreak has provided another significant stressor to those already faced by our rapidly declining seabird populations. Quantifying and perhaps even mitigating its impact is therefore crucial if we hope to restore our seabird populations.

by Michael Dryden 04 Oct, 2024
04.10.2024 Another Swallow passes Noirmont this morning MD
by Michael Dryden 03 Oct, 2024
03.10.2024 A different view of Linnets , this time in formation over Noirmont today MD
by Michael Dryden 02 Oct, 2024
02.10.2024 Male Linnet at Noirmont MD
by Michael Dryden 01 Oct, 2024
01.10.2024 A fine Wheatear in this morning's sun at Noirmont MD
by Michael Dryden 30 Sept, 2024
30.09.24 A juvenile Great-Black-backed Gull in St Ouen's Bay, image courtesy of Romano RDC
by Michael Dryden 29 Sept, 2024
29.09.2024 Cormorant passing Corbiere MD High cloud through the morning with patchy rain this afternoon and a significant south-east wind up to force 7 in gusts A varied range of species passed Corbiere this morning, which included 7 dark-bellied Brent Geese , 4 Common Scoters , 7 Balearic Shearwaters , 10 Gannets , 13 Guillemots , 6 auk sp , an adult Arctic Skua , 11 Cormorants , 25 Shags , 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 14 Common Gulls , 14 Mediterranean Gulls , 6 Black-headed Gulls , 32 Great Black-backed Gulls , 27 Sandwich Terns , one tern sp , 2 Curlews , 20 small waders far offshore, and 2 Bottle - nosed Dolphins . Heading West off the headland were 42 Swallows , 12 House Martins , 3 alba Wagtails and 5 Meadow Pipits and hunting there were 2 Peregrines . At Petit Port this afternoon were a Caspian Gull, 60 Great Black-backed Gulls, 21 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 2 Mediterranean Gulls , a Kingfisher , 11 Turnstones and a Common Sandpiper . In the Sandpits were 280 Swallows , 10 House Martins , 34 Cormorants , 30 Little Grebes , a Great Crested Grebe , 61 Coot , 3 Little Egrets , 4 Grey Herons , 4 Mediterranean Gulls , 26 Black-headed Gull s, 11 Great Black-backed Gulls , 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 2 Peregrines , a Stonechat , 8 Linnets and 2 Ravens . At Le Port in St Ouen's Bay were 28 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin , a Sanderling and 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls . A Hobby flew over Mont les Vaux in St Aubin this afternoon as well as 30+ Swallows . In St Catherine's Woods this morning were a Grey Heron , a Grey Wagtail and 2 Firecrests . At Devil's Hole were a Grey Heron , a Peregrine and 7 Swallows and in Mourier Valley were 5 Tufted Ducks . Evening update: 4 Cattle Egrets were at Cowley Farm, at the Gunsite were 25 pale-bellied Brent Geese and 5 Black-headed Gulls with 149 Black - headed Gulls and 7 Sandwich Terns were at La Haule and 19 Redshanks plus 46 dark-bellied Brent Geese at St Aubin.
by Michael Dryden 28 Sept, 2024
28.09.2024 Buzzards at La Rocque recently, image courtesy of Robin Richards Showers this morning and a fair afternoon, winds from the north-northwest but lighter. A good amount of visible migration on offer at Noirmont, included a Red-throated Pipit , calling but not landing. Counts there included 600 Swallows , 63 House Martins , 460+ Meadow Pipits, 5 Yellow Wagtails , 19 alba Wagtails , a Wheatear , 60 Linnets , 8 Goldfinches , 5 Stonechats , 2 Sparrowhawks and 3+ Buzzards including one pale bird. 2 Balearic Shearwaters and 3 Sandwich Terns passed Grosnez early on and Seen passing Corbiere were the first Black-throated Diver of the Autumn, 2 Balearic Shearwaters , a Razorbill , 19 Mediterranean Gulls , 3 Black-headed Gulls , 3 Kittiwakes , a Sandwich Tern , 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , a Turnstone , 2 Skylarks , 21 Swallows , 2 Grey Wagtails , 15 Linnets , 38 Meadow Pipits , a Chiffchaff , a Marsh Harrier and 2 Ravens . 14 Cattle Egrets were in fields opposite Holme Grown in Grouville, 28 Tufted Duck were on Queen's Valley reservoir and a Whitethroat , a pair of Stonechat and a Chiffchaff were on Grouville Common. A Wheatear was at Beaumont Marsh and 48 Brent Geese were at First Tower along with 100 Black-headed Gulls . A further 23 Brent Geese were in Grouville Bay and another Wheatear was by El Tico in St Ouen's Bay.
by Michael Dryden 27 Sept, 2024
27.09.2024 Great Black-backed Gulls are on the Island in excellent numbers at the moment. Many of them originate on Chausey, just a few kilometres to the south-east of us. This is confirmed by a good number of them wearing green rings put on there, including the centre bird in flight, J43. MD A fierce day for weather with strong and gusty southwest winds gave way to even stronger and more gusty northerly winds after the passage of a squall with heavy rain on it, mid-morning. A few migrants were still heading off from Noirmont despite everything with 578 Meadow Pipits and 30 Linnets seen. Birds caught up in the squall line included a Golden Plover , 14 Swallows , 6 House Martins , and 3 Yellow Wagtails ( also 2 Red Admiral butterflies). Offshore were 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Mediterranean Gull , a Black-headed Gull and 4 Sandwich Terns . Among the birds in the Sandpits were 31 Cormorants , 11 Little Grebes , a Little Egret , 29 Swallows , 3 Great Blacked Gulls and numbers of Tufted Duck and Coot . At Petit Port were 64 Great Black-backed Gulls and 17 Curlews , while 6 Sandwich Terns were at St Aubin.
by Michael Dryden 26 Sept, 2024
26.09.2024 This Marsh Harrier, feeding in the wind at Les Landes today, was wearing a blue colour-ring J58, put on it in Jersey MD A stormy day, wind-wise with some showers thrown in, winds coming from the southwest up to F7 at times. A difficult day for the birds ( and birders too.) Seen passing Grosnez were 2 Balearic Shearwaters, a Fulmar , 19 Gannets , 2 auk sp , 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , a Mediterranean Gull , 2 Little Egrets, 3 House Martins out at sea and a Raven . On the lee side of Les Landes were 4 Marsh Harriers , 3 Buzzards including a pale-phase bird, a Peregrine , 13 Swallows , 3 House Martins , 20+ Meadow Pipits and 2 Ravens. In the Sandpits were a Greenshank , 40 Little Grebes , 2 Great Crested Grebes , 3 Pochard , 65 Great Black-backed Gulls , 7 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 26 Cormorants . On the Scrape were 3 Teal , 20 Meadow Pipits , 8 Stock Doves and a Chiffchaff . 3 Swallows were seen at Rue de la Fontaine in St Peter. In a slightly sheltered Petit Port Bay this afternoon were 135 Great Black-backed Gulls , 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 12 Mediterranean Gulls and 22 Curlews . A male and a juvenile Cirl Bunting were on Grouville Common and 4 Grey Herons plus 100 Crows were at La Sente. Elsewhere, 2 Ravens were over Vallee des Vaux with a Firecrest in a garden there and a Buzzard was at Rozel.
by Michael Dryden 25 Sept, 2024
25.09.2024 A recent visitor to St Ouen's Bay was this Dutch ringed Lesser Black-backed Gull Image courtesy of Romano RdC Rain on and off during the day, feeling very Autumnal in a fresh south to southwest wind. Odds and ends from around the Island today: In Grouville Bay were 122 Brent Geese, 2 Mediterranean Gulls , 32 Curlews , 42 Dunlin , 55 Turnstones , 24 Grey Plovers , 8 Bar-tailed Godwits , 3 Sanderlings, 2 Ringed Plovers , a Greenshank , 9 Sandwich Terns and a Wheatear . At a cut La Sente were 3 Ravens and at Rozel Harbour were a Kingfisher , a Buzzard and a little Egret . At Noirmont and on the move were 1,014 Meadow Pipits , 2 Yellow Wagtails , 2 alba Wagtails , 21 Swallows , 10 Linnets , 2 Cormorants , 5 Gannets , 26 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Mediterranean Gulls , a Peregrine , 3 Buzzards , 2 Ravens , and on the ground, 2 Stonechats , a Blackcap , 2 Chiffchaffs a Dartford Warbler and 2 Red Admiral Butterflies . Seen from the Wetland Centre were 9 Shovelers , 2 Tufted Ducks and 2 Grey Herons and from the Scrape hide, a Teal , a Grey Heron , a Sparrowhawk , a Cetti's Warbler , a Marsh Harrier and more Meadow Pipits. At Le Braye in St Ouen's Bay were 69 Great Black-backed Gulls, 7 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 2 Black-headed Gulls, and at Le Pulec were 13 Black-headed Gulls , 2 Little Egrets , a Kingfisher and 3 Choughs . 17 Redshanks and 2 Turnstones were at St Aubin. Seen near the Windmill in St Mary were 15 Swallows , and 15 House Martins while at Maufant were 23 Cattle Egrets . In fields by St Saviour's Hospital were another 44 Cattle Egrets and 16 Swallows .
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