27.12.2024 Sanderlings at La Rocque, three with rings. The colour ringed bird was given it's many rings in the Wadden Sea area of the Netherlands in August this year. Thanks to Romano for the fine image RDC
An overcast day, but with less hill fog, feeling cold at 8c in light south-easterly winds.
Corbiere proved productive for seawatching this morning. Seen in three hours were a Great Northern Diver, 12 Red-throated Divers, a Common Scoter, 2 Mallard at sea, 26 Brent Geese, 21 Cormorants, 46 Shags, 173 Guillemots, 56 Razorbills, a Fulmar, 46 Gannets, 18 Mediterranean Gulls, 6 Kittiwakes, 11 Black-headed Gulls, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, 46 Great Black-backed Gulls, 2 Common Gulls, a Grey Heron, 2 Peregrines hunting together and 3 Woodpigeons arriving off the sea from the West. Also of note were cetaceans, with 12 Bottle-nosed Dolphins, c15 Common Dolphins and 2 Porpoises seen. At Petit Port were 39 Brent Geese and 25 Curlews.
On the foggy northwest coast, at Crabbe, were a Hen Harrier, a Marsh Harrier, a Stonechat, a Reed Bunting, 70 Chaffinches, 4 Choughs and a Raven, while at Plemont were 12 Reed Buntings, 120 Chaffinches, 8 Song Thrushes, a Marsh Harrier and a Raven.
Seen from the Wetland Centre were 6 Pochard, 2 Teal, 3 Cormorants, a Water Pipit, 2 Snipe and a Little Grebe while at Kempt Tower were a Water Rail, 2 Little Grebes and 7 Shovelers. Also in St Ouen's Bay, at Sands, were 3 Ringed Plovers, 17 Sanderlings and 9 Dunlin. At La Pulente were 4 Brent Geese, a Great Crested Grebe and 7 Little Egrets and at Le Pulec were 9 Little Egrets and a Peregrine. On St Ouen's Beach were 10 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 Common Gulls, 7 Black-headed Gulls and 10 Great Black-backed Gulls and a seawatch from Grosnez saw one diver sp, 2 Razorbills, 6 Gannets, 3 Ravens and 4 Porpoises.
Good numbers of birds around La Rocque included a Great Northern Diver, 2 Slavonian Grebes, a Black-necked Grebes, 2 Shovelers, 9 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Knot, 520 Dunlin, 300 Sanderlings, 210 Grey Plovers, 6 Ringed Plovers, 125 Turnstones, 4 Greenshanks, 39 Redshanks, 165 Oystercatchers including a bird colour-ringed in Iceland and 2 in Chausey In fields behind Seymour were 8 Common Gulls, 7 Mediterranean Gulls and c500 Black-headed Gulls.
At La Sente were a pair of Wigeon, 4 Grey Herons, 7 Little Egrets, 8 Redshanks, 2 Brent Geese and 9 Pied Wagtails and in Le Hocq Lane were 5 Redwings and a Cattle Egret. Another 11 Cattle Egrets were opposite Holmefield and 3 more were at Rozel Manor.
Elsewhere, at Beaumont Marsh were a Pintail, a Teal, 6 Shovelers, a Marsh Harrier, 8 Redwings and a Grey Wagtail. On Beauport Common were a Stonechat, 40 Meadow Pipits and a Great Spotted Woodpecker and at Gorselands were a Peregrine, a Raven and another Great Spotted Woodpecker. On the North coast, at Egypt Wood, were 2 Firecrests, 2 Ravens and a Kestrel.
In Vallee des Vaux were 2
Firecrests, a
Goldcrest, a
Redwing, a
Song Thrush, 22
Magpies and flying over, 19
Ravens and 9
Woodcock at Dusk.
Below: Bottle-nosed Dolphins in flight at Corbiere this morning MD
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin