La Rocque

La Rocque

La Rocque is located on the south east corner of Jersey. It is one of the best localities from which to view waders and seabirds as well as visible migration during spring and autumn. Visits should be timed from two hours before, to two hours after high tide. Owing to Jersey’s extreme ranges of tide ( the third highest in the World) a low tide visit would mostly provide excellent views of rocks!

Waders roost on the rocks here, flying around into Grouville Bay as the tide falls. Impressive movements of seabirds such as Terns can be witnessed in late summer and a winter visit will be likely to produce Divers, Grebes and Red breasted Mergansers. Look for the Peregrines sitting on Seymour Tower, offshore to the south east.

Getting There

Follow La Grande Route de la Cote ( St Clement’s Coast Road ) east from St Helier to La Rocque Harbour. Park and walk out on the breakwater, checking the rocks for Waders and the small beach west of the breakwater for passerines such as Northern Wheatear, Black Redstart and Snow Bunting in the appropriate seasons.

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