Les Ecrehous

Les Ecrehous

Les Ecrehous is a group of offshore islets, 8 km to the north east of Jersey. Although isolated by their location, boat trips around them are available during the summer months. As they are a major breeding site, the area is designated as a Special Protection Area and landing is not recommended during spring and summer. Cormorants, Shags, Great and Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, Herring Gulls, Common Terns, Roseate Terns, Oystercatchers and Rock Pipits all breed. The tree mallow vegetation offers good cover to migrant passerines and many of Jersey’s best rarity records come from here, including the first record of Bridled Tern in 2022

Getting There

As already mentioned, landing, especially on Maitre Ile, is not recommended during the breeding season, but boat trips around the Islands are available. Details should be obtained from Jersey Tourism.

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