Les Minquiers

Les Minquiers

Le Plateau des Minquiers has a larger surface area than Jersey itself, at low tide with just a few of the main heads remaining above water at high tide. Located some 15km south of Jersey, Les Minquiers are even less accessible than Les Ecrehous, a factor that adds greatly to their appeal. Cormorants, Shags and gulls and sometimes terns breed on several of the main heads and Atlantic Grey Seals are often seen in the area. Like Les Ecrehous, the islands offer cover for tired migrants and many rarities have been recorded, while, no doubt, many more go undetected due to the lack of observer coverage.

Getting There

There are no public means of getting to these islets and even boating to them is not to be undertaken lightly, as the vast area of rocks which surround the main islets makes for a dangerous passage without the benefit of local knowledge.

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