02.03.2025 Another visit to sea level today, with this image of a Harbour Porpoise at Grosnez this morning MD
An overcast start to a fair to fine day, cold in an east-northeast wind.
At La Sente through today were 2 Shelduck, a Pintail, 250 Brent Geese, 10 Curlews, 82 Redshanks, 6 Greenshanks, 4 Snipe, single Mediterranean Gull and Black-headed Gull, both in breeding plumage, a Common Gull, 6 Cattle Egrets, 11 Little Egrets, 250+ Herring Gulls, a Raven, 2 Grey Herons, 16 Pied Wagtails and a singing Greenfinch. At Robin Bay were 140 Sanderlings, 125 Dunlin, 25 Grey Plovers, 6 Redshanks, 5 Turnstones and 8 Oystercatchers.
A steady trickle of birds past Grosnez through the morning included 3 Common Scoters, 22 Razorbills, 2 Guillemots, 42 Gannets, 84 Fulmars, 6 Cormorants, 40 Shags, a Common Gull, 15 Kittiwakes, 26 Great Black-backed Gulls, 48 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Curlew, 7 Oystercatchers, 10 Meadow Pipits overhead and also 2 Porpoises. 3 Mediterranean Gulls were among other gulls by Le Pulec, while at Kempt Tower pools were 17 Shovelers, 6 Tufted Ducks, 3 Little Grebes and a Cetti's Warbler.
The ring-tailed Hen Harrier was seen again at Crabbe, with 2 Buzzards, 2 Kestrels and a Raven also seen.
At Augres were 50 Chaffinches and a Brambling and at Le Ferme were a Firecrest, a Redwing, a Bullfinch, 5 Pied Wagtails, a White Wagtail, 45 Starlings, 90 Chaffinches, 9 Long-tailed Tits, a Song Thrush, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Jackdaws, a Sparrowhawk and 5 Buzzards.
At Beaumont Marsh were 250 Brent Geese, 2 Teal and 2 Ravens.
More reports from yesterday with 5 Cattle Egrets at Le Catillon, while at Grouville Marsh were 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Firecrests, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 7 Reed Buntings, 3 Water Rails, 6 Teal, a Redwing, 40 Jackdaws, 2 Woodcock, a Sparrowhawk, a pair of Marsh Harriers, 82 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Common Gull, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and 6 overflying Cormorants.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin