03.08.2024 Juvenile Caspian Gull at Petit Port yesterday, image courtesy of Romano da Costa   RdC

An overcast start to the day with rain through the middle past in a fresh southwest wind

It was a busy morning for seabirds off of the East coast and over the early morning high tide, counts from La Rocque and Seymour included 4 Manx Shearwaters, 20 Balearic Shearwaters, a Common Scoter, a Great Crested Grebe, 14 Gannets, 28 Cormorants, 1,053 Sandwich Terns, a single Common Tern, 420 Black-headed Gulls, 138 Mediterranean Gulls, 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 13 Great Black-backed Gulls. Waders moving up on the falling tide included 22 Ringed Plovers, 7 Turnstones, 2 Grey Plovers, a Whimbrel and 28 Curlews. 4 Swallows headed off and a Peregrine was chasing the smaller gulls offshore. 5 Bottle-nosed Dolphins moved North.

At St Ouen's Pond Scrape were 6 Teal and a White Wagtail and a Willow Warbler was in a garden in Vallee des Vaux

by Michael Dryden 07 Oct, 2024
07.10.2024 A Woodpigeon in all it's glory, at Noirmont MD
by Michael Dryden 06 Oct, 2024
06.10.2024 A Skylark over Noirmont this week MD
by Michael Dryden 05 Oct, 2024
05.10.2024 One of three Hobby that passed Noirmont through the morning MD
by Michael Dryden 04 Oct, 2024
04.10.2024 Another Swallow passes Noirmont this morning MD
by Michael Dryden 03 Oct, 2024
03.10.2024 A different view of Linnets , this time in formation over Noirmont today MD
by Michael Dryden 02 Oct, 2024
02.10.2024 Male Linnet at Noirmont MD
by Michael Dryden 01 Oct, 2024
01.10.2024 A fine Wheatear in this morning's sun at Noirmont MD
by Michael Dryden 30 Sept, 2024
30.09.24 A juvenile Great-Black-backed Gull in St Ouen's Bay, image courtesy of Romano RDC
by Michael Dryden 29 Sept, 2024
29.09.2024 Cormorant passing Corbiere MD High cloud through the morning with patchy rain this afternoon and a significant south-east wind up to force 7 in gusts A varied range of species passed Corbiere this morning, which included 7 dark-bellied Brent Geese , 4 Common Scoters , 7 Balearic Shearwaters , 10 Gannets , 13 Guillemots , 6 auk sp , an adult Arctic Skua , 11 Cormorants , 25 Shags , 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 14 Common Gulls , 14 Mediterranean Gulls , 6 Black-headed Gulls , 32 Great Black-backed Gulls , 27 Sandwich Terns , one tern sp , 2 Curlews , 20 small waders far offshore, and 2 Bottle - nosed Dolphins . Heading West off the headland were 42 Swallows , 12 House Martins , 3 alba Wagtails and 5 Meadow Pipits and hunting there were 2 Peregrines . At Petit Port this afternoon were a Caspian Gull, 60 Great Black-backed Gulls, 21 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 2 Mediterranean Gulls , a Kingfisher , 11 Turnstones and a Common Sandpiper . In the Sandpits were 280 Swallows , 10 House Martins , 34 Cormorants , 30 Little Grebes , a Great Crested Grebe , 61 Coot , 3 Little Egrets , 4 Grey Herons , 4 Mediterranean Gulls , 26 Black-headed Gull s, 11 Great Black-backed Gulls , 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , 2 Peregrines , a Stonechat , 8 Linnets and 2 Ravens . At Le Port in St Ouen's Bay were 28 Ringed Plovers, 2 Dunlin , a Sanderling and 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls . A Hobby flew over Mont les Vaux in St Aubin this afternoon as well as 30+ Swallows . In St Catherine's Woods this morning were a Grey Heron , a Grey Wagtail and 2 Firecrests . At Devil's Hole were a Grey Heron , a Peregrine and 7 Swallows and in Mourier Valley were 5 Tufted Ducks . Evening update: 4 Cattle Egrets were at Cowley Farm, at the Gunsite were 25 pale-bellied Brent Geese and 5 Black-headed Gulls with 149 Black - headed Gulls and 7 Sandwich Terns were at La Haule and 19 Redshanks plus 46 dark-bellied Brent Geese at St Aubin.
by Michael Dryden 28 Sept, 2024
28.09.2024 Buzzards at La Rocque recently, image courtesy of Robin Richards Showers this morning and a fair afternoon, winds from the north-northwest but lighter. A good amount of visible migration on offer at Noirmont, included a Red-throated Pipit , calling but not landing. Counts there included 600 Swallows , 63 House Martins , 460+ Meadow Pipits, 5 Yellow Wagtails , 19 alba Wagtails , a Wheatear , 60 Linnets , 8 Goldfinches , 5 Stonechats , 2 Sparrowhawks and 3+ Buzzards including one pale bird. 2 Balearic Shearwaters and 3 Sandwich Terns passed Grosnez early on and Seen passing Corbiere were the first Black-throated Diver of the Autumn, 2 Balearic Shearwaters , a Razorbill , 19 Mediterranean Gulls , 3 Black-headed Gulls , 3 Kittiwakes , a Sandwich Tern , 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls , a Turnstone , 2 Skylarks , 21 Swallows , 2 Grey Wagtails , 15 Linnets , 38 Meadow Pipits , a Chiffchaff , a Marsh Harrier and 2 Ravens . 14 Cattle Egrets were in fields opposite Holme Grown in Grouville, 28 Tufted Duck were on Queen's Valley reservoir and a Whitethroat , a pair of Stonechat and a Chiffchaff were on Grouville Common. A Wheatear was at Beaumont Marsh and 48 Brent Geese were at First Tower along with 100 Black-headed Gulls . A further 23 Brent Geese were in Grouville Bay and another Wheatear was by El Tico in St Ouen's Bay.
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