04.09.2024 This Dotterel, probably the same bird first seen on 28th August, was still present at Les Landes today, but difficult to track down. Thanks to Alan Gicquel for this stunning image AG
Overcast conditions this morning with showers in a light west-northwest wind and a brighter afternoon.
The occasional showers, heavy at times, did much to stir up the birds today, with passing migrants being brought to ground as the showers passed. Noirmont fared well today and a morning-long visible migration watch saw 31 Wheatears, 5 Whinchats, 6 Redstarts, 7 Stonechats, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 105 Yellow Wagtails, 18 Tree Pipits, 6 White Wagtails, 10+ Willow Warblers, a Blackcap, 12 Whitethroats, 4 Dartford Warblers, 15 Robins, a Swift, 485 Swallows, 47 Sand Martins, 35 House Martins, 7 Greenfinches, 8 Linnets, 2 Peregrines, a Sparrowhawk, 4 Grey Herons, 4 Cormorants, 22 Gannets, 4 Sandwich Terns, 3 Jays, 6 Jackdaws and 2 Ravens.
Passing Grosnez were 23 Balearic Shearwaters, a Guillemot and 3 Mediterranean Gulls, while on Les Landes were a Dotterel, a Snipe, 2 Golden Plovers, 7 Wheatears, 36 Meadow Pipits and a Willow Warbler.
On the north side of St Ouen's Pond were a Wheatear, 2 Sand Martins and just a few Swallows and another 7 Wheatears were at the Pond. On the Scrape were 3 Teal, 2 Shovelers, 2 Water Rails, a Redshank, 5 Green Sandpipers which dropped in briefly and a Reed Warbler. Swallows seen on the move over St Peter were likely to have been the same birds which passed over Noirmont and a Willow Warbler was at Les Ormes Golf Club
At Petit Port were 21 Mediterranean Gulls, 56 Black-headed Gulls, 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 35 Curlews and 6 Common Sandpipers were at Le Pulec. A further 5 Wheatears were on Grouville Common and 4 more Wheatears were by Le Hocq Tower, also a Green-veined White butterfly.
Yesterday evening, at Le Fevre Farm in St Martin, 2
House Martin's nests were still active with young and along the northwest coast eastwards from Plemont were 5 adult
Fulmars with as yet, unfledged young.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin