10.09.2024 Another great image for the website, a Common Redstart at Noirmont, with thanks as ever to Romano for the picture
An overcast day with strong and gusty west-southwest winds, through the daylight hours.
Seawatching from Corbiere through this morning, produced counts of 175 Balearic Shearwaters, a Common Scoter, a Fulmar, a Guillemot, 39 Gannets, 11 Cormorants, 31 Shags, 41 Sandwich Terns, 5 commic Terns, 23 Mediterranean Gulls, 6 Black-headed Gulls, 58 Great Black-backed Gulls, 50 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Peregrines and a Raven. At Petit Port were a Common Sandpiper, 2 Curlews, 4 Sandwich Terns, a Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 13 Mediterranean Gulls, 53 Black-headed Gulls, 16 Great Black-backed Gulls and 2 Little Egrets.
Waders in Grouville Bay included a Knot, a Greenshank, 23 Ringed Plovers, 21 Grey Plovers, 7 Dunlin, 5 Bar-tailed Godwits, 125 Turnstones, a small wader - possibly a Little Stint, and also a Mediterranean Gull and a Greenland Wheatear.
The Black Tern remained in the Sandpits for another day, with a Common Sandpiper and a Greenshank also present. On St Ouen's Pond were 50 St Ouen's Pond were 8 Shovelers and 3 Swallows. At Le Pulec were a Whimbrel and 3 Common Sandpipers.
On the East coast, 50 House Martins were being harassed by a Hobby at Archirondel. At Grouville Goldf Course were 3 Wheatears, 6 White Wagtails, 30 Starlings and a few Swallows. In Grouville Marsh were 29 Cattle Egrets, and a Grey Heron, at at Grands Vaux were 7 Tufted Duck and a Grey Wagtail
At the Scrape this evening were a Cattle Egret, 2 Little Egrets and 11 Teal
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin