16.10.2024 A pale-phase Buzzard at the Happy Hens today, image courtesy of Robin Richards.
An odd day for weather, with an overcast morning in very mild (19c) conditions for the time of year, becoming wet with hill fog this afternoon ahead of a cold front.
The Shore Lark was still in St Ouen's Bay and a Yellow-browed Warbler was showing well near the top of Les Ormes Valley. Also in the valley were 6 Goldcrests, 2 Firecrests, 8 Chiffchaffs and 2 Song Thrushes.
Thrushes were in the air overnight with Redwings heard over Valleee des Vaux and this morning, 50+ Redwings were at Les Platons briefly and others were near M&S in St Peter, Route Orange st Brelade, over Vallee des Vaux again, with Song Thrushes and over Rue du Pont in Trinity.
Migrants over Noirmont this morning included a flock of 4 Ring Ouzels, 58 Song Thrushes, 55 Redwings, 8 Blackbirds, a Skylark, 2 Swallows, 53 Meadow Pipits, 6 alba Wagtails, 250 Woodpigeons, 310 Chaffinches, 104 Linnets, 8 Goldfinches, 58 Starlings, a Grey Heron, 18 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 7 Black-headed Gulls. 179 Black-headed Gulls were at the Airport playing fields this afternoon.
At Bel Royal this morning were c500 Brent Geese.
In St Ouen's Bay Sandpits were 2 Grey Herons, 11 Cormorants, 2 Marsh Harriers, 17 Tufted Ducks, 9 Pochard, 30 Little Grebes, 2 Stonechats and a Dartford Warbler. On the Scrape this afternoon were 13 Teal, 4 Snipe and a Cetti's Warbler.
In St Catherine's Woods were 2 Firecrests, a Goldcrest, 3 Short-toed Treecreepers and a pair of Raven, with another 66 Redwings counted flying over, also 14 Chaffinches. At La Sente this afternoon were 27 Grey Herons and in Grouville Bay today were 690 Brent Geese, 2 Great Crested Grebes, and 125 Sanderlings. On Grouville Common were 5 Wheatears and at Grands Vaux were 2 Grey Herons.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin