30.08.2024 A fine image of a Turnstone, taken at La Rocque by Romano RdC
Another settled and warm day with a moderate north-east wind.
Several reports of note today include an Osprey, seen over La Moye Point this afternoon, drifting towards St Ouen. Nearby, at Beauport were a Yellow Wagtail and a Willow Warbler and at Gorselands, a Wheatear.
Evening update: A (the) Osprey was seen going to roost at the bottom of Mont Matthieu, in St Ouen's Bay, . this evening. At Petit Port were 2 Caspian Gulls. one wearing a Polish ring, 14 Mediterranean Gulls, 8 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Whimbrels, 26 Curlews, 2 Swifts and 21 Cormorants. Also, this afternoon, a Honey Buzzard was seen in fight near the Airport.
Pick of the birds seen at Noirmont was a Honey Buzzard which drifted over high, heading North late morning. Other birds seen at Noirmont included 560 Swallows, 21 House Martins, 13 Sand Martins, 55 Tree Pipits, a single Meadow Pipit, 32 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Grey Herons and a Peregrine. On the ground were a Redstart, a Whinchat, 5 Wheatears, 2 Whitethroats, 2 Willow Warblers, 10+ Chiffchaffs, 2 Stonechats, 2 Ravens and 2 Choughs. Offshore were 2 Balearic Shearwaters, 26 Black-headed Gulls, a Mediterranean Gull, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 3 Sandwich Terns.
Counts in Grouville Bay included 422 Sandwich Terns, 116 Ringed Plovers, 23 Grey Plovers, 15 Sanderlings, 8 Dunlin, 40 Turnstones, 12 Curlews, 90 Oystercatchers, 116 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Mediterranean Gulls and a Grey Heron.
A Kingfisher was at Bel Croute in St Aubin's Bay and another Kingfisher was in the Marina. On St Ouen's Pond Scrape were 8 Teal.
A Greenshank and 2 Ravens were seen at Archirondel and over St Martin were 25 House Martins, 15 Swallows, 2 Buzzards and a Kestrel. A small pond on Mont Sohier in Trinity was hosting 4 nearly-fledged Tufted Duck.
Mick Dryden
Romano da Costa
Tony Paintin